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smiling elder

Stop Avoiding Sending Rejection Letters

Send rejection letters! Sending a rejection letter isn’t more likely to potentially create a bad reputation for your company… not sending a rejection letter is.

female elder

Stop Wasting Time on Unqualified Applicants

Don’t waste any more time on applications from unqualified applicants. Our hiring system filters candidates for you! Tell us your dealbreakers and we screen for them.

sitting on a bench

The Power of Hiring Assessments!

Asking specific questions with a hiring assessment can weed out candidates who may be more likely to be no-shows and help employers decide who to interview/hire.

coffee mug

Are You Accidentally Screening Out the Candidates You Want?!

To filter out low-quality applicants and identify high-quality applicants you must find out what makes a person successful at the job and then screen for that.

folding hands

Employee Referrals Are the Key to Boosting Applicant Flow

If you’re a small business without an employee referral program…you’re missing out on the cheapest, easiest, and most effective way to increase applicant flow.

helping elderly

The Power of Having a "Constantly Hiring" Mindset

Recruiting even when you’re not actively hiring is one of the smartest things you can do to prepare for when you are actively hiring.

wheelchair patient on walkway

Choosing the Right Job Titles For Your Job Ads is CRUCIAL!

In your job ads, it's important to use the most common job title that contains keywords the individuals with qualifications for this job would search for.

holding hands

Job Seekers Are Interested in More Than Pay

Want to hire top talent, but can’t offer job seekers top dollar? It’s time to get creative and market your other benefits to compete with Big Dog Companies.

medication/vitamins in hands

Is Your Poor Company Culture Costing You Quality Talent?

Still struggling with low applicant flow no matter how you change your job ad? It may be time to shift your focus towards improving your company culture.